Prepare to be consumed.
Well today I bought my first ever 40K miniatures. They are sat not 5 feet from me glaring at me going make me and lets feed.
I headed over to Halifax (UK) to a model shop called Halifax Modelers World at the Piece Hall. Upon entering I was amazed at the ammount of models you could fit in such a small area. Anyway I was a man with a mission and headed straigh to the counter.
Id allready called so I knew the had the Tyranid Battle Force pack in. I also wanted to bulk the army out a bit. So i got a box of Gaunts, Warriors and Genestealers. I was hoping to get a Broodlord but they do not stock blisterpacks, which I found surprising. Good shop though.
On the way back I was chatting with my dear mother who had accompanied me looking for a wedding present and she pointed out that the 3 boxes of extra minis i had bought were allready in the battleforce. Im like yes but i needed extra. To which she points at the price tags. DOH! I could have had 2 battle force boxes for less than i had spent on the models and had an extra Carnifex. Well you live and learn.
So back to Huddersfield. I call a little hobby store there called Something Wicked This Way Comes to check they had the Broodlord in. They did yay
so I popped in got that as well as a Hive Tyrant some Gargoyles and a Ravenor.
They should keep me busy for some time.
Thanks for reading