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The Chaos Divide 18 - Finished Tsons

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Well finally i've managed to finish working on my last model for my tsons army. 1500 pts all painted up (will take pics soon of whole army). The dread was a fun piece to do and my first FW model. I wanted to test myself with both my blending and my NMM and i came up with this little thing, took me close to three weeks worth of painting (after work of course). Im happy and proud of both this model and the whole army. Comments and crits are always welcome.

 Tsons Dread 01

Tsons Dread 02

Tsons Dread 03 

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Painting and Modelling , Warhammer 40K


  1. Observer's Avatar
    Nice mini. I don't know whether it is good or not, but photos look like illustrations from a book. I like small green glasses especially
  2. skeeve's Avatar
    Nice NMM, the whole scheme is very picturesque. I like it. :)
  3. Arctica's Avatar
    Thanks guys for the nice comments and following the army wip, glad you like it :)

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